United Kingdom and European rental release.

Hey all.

I’m very pleased to announce that Splice Here: A Projected Odyssey is now available to rent on Vimeo OTT at this link.

U.K, Europe BLURAY release.

I will now be managing the U.K, European disk release personally. These blurays will include 45 mins of deleted scenes from around the world and a special mix not included in the rental version. I’ll only be able to proceed with the disks if the rentals go okay so please… show me the love and you might have a disk by Xmas.

Nth America

If you’re in Nth America, the film is available on multiple platforms such as Apple, Prime, Google, Xbox, Vimeo, Youtube etc and DVD’s on sale at Amazon. Search your preferred platform.


Australia, New Zealand

The film is rentable at Potential Films and there are still some DVD’s available. Blurays are all gone, for now.

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Rob (Bert)

Bert Murphy